Here is a list of all our classmates. A star next to a name
and colored in Blue indicates
that we have current information on the person. If you see that your
name does not have a star beside it, then please contact one of the reunion committee
members listed under the 2009 Reunion page.
* Albright, Kevin
* Alexander
(Delk), Sheila
Allen, Sharon
* Allen (Nutt) Sharron
* Allen, Dennis
Allen, Wanda
* Anders, John
Anglin, Pamela
Ashley, Berchelle
Beard, Joan
* Berry, Darlene
* Biffle, Hollis
* Binkley, Kenneth
* Black, Terry
Bloomfield, Debbie
Ricky - Deceased
* Booth, Robert
Boyd, Joseph
Brigman, Jeanell
* Brown (Pointer) Evangeline
Brown, Jeanette
Brown, Tonja
Bryant, Jeffrey
* Buford,
(Bailey) Linda
* Burgess, Robert
Burnette, Debra
* Bush,
(Moore) Janice
* Bush,
(Holmes) Pamela
* Butler (Nored) Jacqueline
Campbell, William
* Carrell, Teresa
Carter, Darlene
Chance, Melinda
* Chatman, William
Climer, Richard
Cole, Judy
* Cook, Robert
* Cook, Jeanne
Cornwell, Harley
* Crawford, LaNorte'
* Crawford
(Braddock), Shelia
* Creek, Kenneth
* Crocker, William
* Curtis,
(Allen) Sherry
* Cusson, Stewart
* Davis, Tanja
Defore, Sharon
Dixon, Sheila
* Dobbins, Jeff
* Donahue, Joe
* Doughten, Max
Dowlen, Debbie
* Duke, Brenda
* Duke, Phillip
Edwards, Robert
* Ennis, Joe
Epps, Michael
* Estes (McCanless) Teresa
* Ethridge, Belinda
Ewin, Venus - Deceased
* Ferrell, Thomas
* Fey
(Baldwin), Susan
Ford, Brenda
* Friedberg, John
* Gamble,
(Walker) Deborah
Gardner, Judith
* Garner, Sheila
Garton (Collins) Patty
Gilbert, Deborah
Gleaves, Ray
- Deceased
Glenn, Toni
* Gray
(Whittenburg), Linda
* Green, Linda
Greer, Sanford
Greer, Valeree
Guinn, Toni
* Hale
(Walters), Connie
* Hale, Patricia
* Hamilton, Bruce
* Hanserd (Jolley) Yolanda
* Harrison (Leggio) Donna
* Hay, Jesse
* Head, Donald
Hedgepath, David
- Deceased
* Heggie, Samuel
Hicks, Susan
* Hollingsworth (Napier), Linda
* Hollis (Omtvedt) Jacqueline
Holstrom, Charles
Holt (Howard) Charlene
* Holt,
(Roseberry) Michelle
Horton, Bernice
Howard, Charles
* Huckaby, Randy
* Huff, David
Hughlett, Wanda
Hunt, Shelly
* Jackson, James
Jennette (Hooper) Tammy -
Johnson, Michael
Johnson, Patricia
Jones, Anna
Jones, Jeff - Deceased
* Jones,
(King) Loretta
Kelley, Cosette
Kelley, Janet
Kelley, Shirley
Kelley, Veronica
* Kemp, Roy
Kestner, Debra
Key, Maylon
Key, Sherresia
Key, Tammie
Kimery, Melody
* Krisle, Johnnie
* Lamb, Kenneth
Lane, Darrell
* Larkin (Waynick) Tina
Lawrence, Lenora
Lee, Patricia
Lewis, Elvester
* Lloyd, Belinda
London, Ollie
Lovell, Betty
Lyons, Willie
* Malone
(Tune), Tammy
Marton, Rhonda
Matlock, Robert Bruce - Deceased
* Mayberry
(Boyenton), Diane
* Mays (Breeland), Nancy
* McCaleb (Hayes) Carla
(Levet), Zebee
* McHollin
(Ramey), Stephanie
* McLaurin
(Kelly), Rochelle
* McQuiston
(Norris), Robbie
* Merritt, Diane
* Midgett
(Matthews), Amanda
* Moore
(Ellis), Regina
Moore, Tina
Morton, Jerry
* Moss
(Gilotte), Lori
* Myers, Deborah
* Napier, Jimmy
Neely, Rickie
* Newberry, James
* Newman
(Reeder), Brenda
Nunn, Alice
* Page, Felecia
Papai, Kay
* Pennington, James
Perry, Ralph
* Phelps (Pettite) Shirley
Phillips, Roy
Pickney, Patricia
Polk (Brewer) Helen
Porter, Ouida
* Porter
(Blair), Viola
* Potts, Calvin
Prescott, Debra
Prewitt, Quanya
* Ragan, Larry
* Ransford, James
Reedy, William
- Deceased
* Reynolds (Bluhm) Carla
Reynolds, Reginald
Reynolds, Regina
* Rhodes, Pamela
* Ritter, Fredrick
Roberson, John
Roberts, Terri
* Sauls, William
* Shannon (Trusty) Ruth
* Sharp (Huckaby) Wanda
* Shaw, Oscar
* Shinkle, Robert
Slate, Sam
- Deceased
Smith, Andre'
Smith, David
Smith, Horace
Smith, Janet
* Solomon, Jacquelyne
Spalding, Georgia
Staten, Calvin
- Deceased
* Stewart, Randall
Samuel - Deceased
Sullivan, Denise
* Tanner (Secrest) Wilma
* Tawater, James
Thompson, Ernest
Tucker, Tanya
* Upchurch
(English), Andrea
* Utley,
(Shelley) Rebecca
* Vansant (Grooms) Bambi
* Walker, Aubrey
* Walker, Brian
Wallace, Brady
Ward, Terry
* Warren, Daniel
* Warren, David
* Weaver,
(Camp) Vivian (Suzette)
* Wells, Ernest
West, Debbie
* West, Janice
* Whitby (Hayle), Cynthia
* White, Tanya
* Whitlock (McEwen) Barbara
* Wilkerson, Randy
Williams, Angelia
Williams, Cathran
* Winn, Ellen
* Wright, Regina